Location: MoBridge South Dakota
Type of Work-Pulverization & Paving
Location: Great Falls Mt
Owner: Montana Air National Guard
Year: 2017
Type of Work: Mill, Pave, Crack Seal, Seal Coat
Amount: $1,325,000.00
Location: Grangeville Idaho
Owner: Forest Service
Year: 2017
Type of Work: Remove & Replace, Slope Repair, Crack Seal, Tree Trimming
Amount: $600,000.00
Project: Wal Mart
Location: King Ave Billings Mt
Year: 2016
Type of Work: Mill & Overlay
Amount: $475,000.00
Project: Tall Prairie Chicken Creek Road
Location: Piere South Dakota
Owner: Central Federal Lands
Year: 2016
Type of Work: Remove & Replace Culverts
Amount: $890,000.00
Project: Standing Rock Culvert Replacement
Location: Fort Yates North Dakota
Owner: Central Federal Lands
Year: 2014
Type of Work: Box Culvert Replacement
Amount: $1,200,000.00
Project: Spring Creek Mine Access Road Rehab
Location: Decker, Mt
Owner: Cloud Peak Energy
Year: 2013
Type of Work: Mill, Crack repair, Soft Spot Repair, Pave
Amount: $1,270,000.00
Project: Phase 3 Water & Sewer Rehab
Location: Crow Agency, Mt
Owner: Crow Reservation
Year: 2014
Type of Work: Street Preperation & Paving
Amount: $604,000.00
Project: District 2 School Parking Lot/Playground Rehab
Location: Billings, Mt
Owner: School District School
Year: 2015
Type of Work: Overlay, Crack Seal, Seal Coat, Stripe, Patch
Amount: $518,000.00
Project: Monad Extension
Location: Billings, Mt
Owner: Yellowstone County
Year: 2015
Type of Work: Road Building & Paving
Amount: $460,000.00
Project: Shopko Overlay
Location: Billings, Mt
Owner: Shopko
Year: 2014
Type of Work: Paving (Overlay)
Amount: $325,000.00
Project: MDT Hwy 408 Crack Seal
Location: Fairfield, Mt
Owner: State of Montana
Year: 2012
Type of Work: Crack Sealing, Striping
Amount: $140,000.00